Duration 5700

Black Hole Created In Lab

3 152 367 watched
170.6 K
Published 29 Mar 2023

Scientists simulated a black hole in a lab, and then it mysteriously started glowing. Specifically, they mimicked the black hole’s event horizon to study Hawking radiation in detail. The experiment found that quantum entanglement is a must for Hawking radiation. The researchers noticed that Hawking radiation is directly connected to the entanglement of particles on either side of the event horizon. Since it’s impossible to detect Hawking radiation from astrophysical black holes with current technology, quantum experiments like these can shed light on the exotic phenomenon. Link to the full episode: http://bit.ly/3KkiWHj


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Comments - 3384
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    @TheSecretsoftheUniverselast year Link to the full experiment: 892
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    @Archaeoxlast year Black Hole : * Starts growing*
    Scientists : 💀
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    @seanfrank6841last year "created" and "simulated" are two very different things 5859
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    @K000H6 months ago You never wanna hear a scientist say "oops" 995
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    @plap.6 months ago And they can't turn it off, don't tell anyone 1025
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    @SLNCG-TV11 months ago "Then it mysteriously started growing,"
    Last words before disaster
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    @HyperHrishiHD7 months ago Everybody gangsta until the earth doesn’t exist anymore 3376
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    @thecorpclan12856 months ago You know you've messed up when darkness glows 220
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    @mensoamrojewel33266 months ago New fear unlocked: Lab growing Black Hole 85
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    @garyfrancis6193last year If quantum entanglement really exists why do I only lose one sock in the dryer? 3571
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    @Robertttttttttlast year Let’s face it, they did NOT create a black hole in a lab 3591
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    @Cyberpunk20697 months ago can you imagine how dumb would it be if we got extinct by our own black hole created in a lab? 😂 378
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    @hanzzolo44555 months ago Scienstists: what could possibly go wrong?
    "Black hole start eating items around the lab"
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    @johnpatrickidos3607last year black hole: Eating everything in the lab
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    @brokennativ379last year Imagine creating a black hole in a lab and then it keeps growing and you can't stop it. 💀 1289
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    @bradyvelvet94326 months ago They’ll soon release a backyard kit where you can grow your own black holes. 53
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    @faizahmedfarooq5 months ago For those who don't understand clearly. It was just "data" / "numbers" showing on a screen. The video clearly explains "simulated". Scientists do this on a super computer or a quantum computer a lot.
    This doesn't mean it was ACTUALLY created.
    They put the math in and wait for the results. It simulates and shows data/numbers as the result. Then these numbers are put into an algorithm and a software which decodes to the scientist what actually was simulated.
    In simpler terms, its SUPER SPREADSHEETS/MS EXCEL
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    @destroyer100onblitzlast year I hate it when I accidentally create a black hole 639
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    @poisoningdemons21611 months ago If we "accedently" create a black hole, welp, bye life 303
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    @Yashaswi_K6 months ago Black hole : Starts Growing
    Napoleon : "there is nothing we can do"
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    @Mr.Edits675916 months ago Scientists: What could go wrong?
    The Black Hole: 😈
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    @fink3210 months ago Can’t wait for a scientist to create a black hole that just doesn’t die out after a few seconds that would be super great. 632
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    @_Contrarylast year "guys congrats we successfully created a Black hole but there's a small problem we're getting sucked into it" 534
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    @charlesegan-wc8ug6 months ago Imagine being so smart you discover something that's impossible to see but your 100 percent confident it's there 7
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    @Canda-fh4xc4 months ago Astronomy world covers every science field. Studying the universe is really amazing and fun 2
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    @XxTON618xXlast year One day there will be no days because of these things. 2816
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    @spleefthedude7747last year It’s unbelievable that Hawking never won a Nobel prize 1143
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    @soulrazy4 months ago There is still debate about what happens at the half-life of a black hole evaporation. This is because every particle of Hawking radiation that escapes is still entangled with the black hole. But at the half-life of the evaporation, the black hole cannot retain all the entangled particles that have escaped. ... 6
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    @warnabrotha95YT4 months ago I thought Quantum Entanglements were Star Lord's past relationships 😂 3
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    @afootballereditzlast year bro if they accidentally create a black hole we dead 💀💀 619
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    @Segashimi10 months ago They simulated the effects of a black hole. But they didn’t created one. 97
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    @jnrhtb6 months ago Blackhole in a lab? That's the biggest lie in science. 4
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    @Not9_2 months ago For everyone thinking they created a black hole it was in a computer simulation 3
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    @ryu7964last year The power of a singularity, in the palm of my hand. 190
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    @victorl225last year My brain just learned new information. Yet somehow I feel dumber. 173
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    @TheTechAdmin6 months ago I hope in the future we find a way to read/move quantum entangled particles.
    Because then we could use it to read/write binary. Which means we could create LITERAL instant communication devices, even if they were on opposite sides of the universe. ...
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    @Dprxnce4 months ago “In a lab” lol I LOVE THE 21ST CENTURY ALWAYS EXAGGERATING REALITY 1
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    @naveenrnglast year Imagine enjoying your cold beer on a sunny Sunday afternoon and some motherfucker creates a black hole in the lab which starts sucking everything up 💀 848
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    @Mikerumballlast year Do you think we could stop that before we all end up flying toward it. 😂 210
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    @srsorrow17086 months ago Black hole: starts expanding
    Scientists: oops
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    @natefizzle8675last year ''Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should.'' .Dr. Ian Malcom 781
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    @x-man5056last year "We made a black hole in a lab." "How'd that work out?" "We don't know, we can't find it." 52
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    @TheHikingLion6 months ago Another universe buys the dust and wins. 6
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    @Faint3663 months ago This makes sense because isn’t one of the biggest concerns with hawking radiation the conservation of quantum information? If both particles are entangled then knowing the information contained by the particle on the outside would give the information of the particle inside. ... 1
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    @MrGchiassonlast year The one thing that scares me...is the attitude of..
    "Let's connect this massive amount of energy to this unknown matter...and see what happens.
    (What could possibly go wrong?"...could be the last question ever heard on Earth!
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    @katti_last year "mysteriously starts glowing"
    plasma around most black holes: nah, not me
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    @mirzacommentarywaly42763 months ago Black hole starts growing:
    Lab in-charge: "aah guys, listen......."
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    @That_hikikomori6 months ago GOD....Now I understand why the scientists in Marvel are portrayed as evil 1
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    @kiryonnakira7566last year black holes: "look at what they need to do to replicate a fragment of our powers" 66
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    @johntheherbalistg87568 months ago Two questions: why does the title say "created" while the video says "simulated"? I would argue that the distinction is meaningful. Also, how does one simulate an event horizon? We don't even really know what those are, since nobody has ever seen one ... 72
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    @randomshxt20992 months ago So they finally correct it from "Created" to "Simulated" 1
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    @VegasViking4206 months ago Black hole: starts glowing
    Scientists: "oh sh%t TURN IT OFF!!"
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    @khansmuse6246last year Black hole starts growing
    Scientists:So this marks the end of humanity
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    @mluna2013last year Jada Pinkett Smith after watching this video:
    Even black holes need entanglements.
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    @ItsWxffle3 months ago “Wait, its growing”
    famous last words
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    @imoldgregg82 months ago I think the particles communicate through dimensions, allowing them to be anywhere and still affect one another. 1
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    @Mortalphil10 months ago For those of you saying “growing”, he said “glowing” 62
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    @moveitstimelast year Dr. Hank Pym : We think when you went down there, you may have entangled with her.
    Scott Lang : Hank, I would never do that. I respect you too much.
    Dr. Hank Pym : Quantum entanglement, Scott.
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    @fdhadi6 months ago as an alien whom been living on earth for more than 20k years on earth, i can say they did not simulate the curve of the fabric of space correctly, because when you reach the event horizon every direction you choose will be pointing back to the center of the black hole, which results in the blackhole radiating inside. hawking radiation doesn't make blackholes shrink by the way, because the charges inside blackhole are meaningless, it doesn't matter what got inside the blackhole and what escaped. ... 1
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    @jthablaidd4 months ago Scientists can’t stop trying to end humanity
    Like when Oppenheimer said “don’t nuke the atmosphere, it could kill us all” and the US gov replied with “nerdsayswhat?”
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    @iamsliv7621last year Out of all the possible civilizations in our universes history, I wonder how many destroyed themselves by creating a black hole in a lab😂 170
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    @MidgyMClast year I’ve just discovered your channel, and honestly, I’m absolutely mind-blown at how much we know about the universe.. (definitely did not spend the past 2 hours scrolling through all ur shorts and vids 😅) 51
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    @JakubS7 months ago Hawking radiation has nothing to do with quantum entanglement.
    It is a result of Quantum Fluctuation (also known as Vacuum State Fluctuation or just Vacuum Fluctuation), which is caused by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
    In Quantum Field Theory, every elementary particle can be represented by values in a bunch of fields. These are fields such as the electric and magnetic fields (Electromagnetic force), the W and Z boson fields (Weak force), and the gluon fields (Strong force).
    These fields each have an amount of energy that they are most stable at, called the zero-point energy - which is non-zero for all fields, because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
    Since these fields have to have some energy at all times, there are random fluctuations of energy in the field, everywhere in the field. This fluctuations can be modelled as virtual particles, specifically particle-antiparticle pairs, that are popping in and out of existence.
    If one of these fluctuations occurs at the event horizon of a black hole, it is possible for one virtual particle to come into existence within the event horizon, while its corresponding antiparticle comes into existence outside the event horizon (or vice versa).
    When this happens, the virtual particle inside the event horizon must go into the black hole because it cannot escape, while other virtual particle is able to be expelled from the black hole if it has sufficient energy to do so.
    One of the equations of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that if a state (i.e. the particle-antiparticle pair) exists for a short period of time, then it cannot have a definite energy - so, there is a probability for the energy of the state to be really high, and this energy would be sufficient to allow a particle to escape the pull of a black hole.
    With this energy, the virtual particle can escape, AND since this virtual particle cannot come out of existence (because it has no antiparticle to annihilate with), it is no longer a virtual particle and instead just a particle.
    The overall result is that the black hole emits a particle (or antiparticle), and that particle has a certain amount of mass and energy. This energy has to come from somewhere, so it must be taken from the black hole - this energy could be taken from the blackhole's rotation, or its mass. This causes the black hole to either rotate slower or shrink. This is hawking radiation.
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    @Paradox202334 months ago Everybody gangsta until black hole starts growing and they can't turn it off
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    @Yankeesfan_151911 months ago Antman will be so proud for recreating the quantum realm 33
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    @PlagueOfGripes3 months ago Well... Yeah. That's what Hawking radiation is. It's the only way something can radiate out of a black hole, over a long period of time. 1
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    @Easymadeit2 months ago We made a black hole and got sucked into it. That’s why if you’ve noticed, time moves much faster now. Gravity is changing thus meaning we’re in a black hole. I’m surprised they’ve keep this under the rug. Everyone needs to know what they did now. ...
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    @jonsmith1809last year Even if they managed to create a real black hole, rather that a computer simulated one, it would be so small it would evaporate due to Hawking radiation almost instantaneously. 11
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    @axisonconsole91924 months ago Hawking radiation makes no sense. Essentially, space is constantly creating positive and negative pairs that destroy each other. At the edge of a black hole, those pairs get separated. The ones falling out are hawking radiation. The ones falling in are unnamed. As nobody wants to talk about them. Because the black hole is "radiating" particles. But it's not.... It's eating half of what was created while the other half is thrown into space. So both sides are fed. That would add to expansion of this universe, as well as expanding the black hole's interior. I understand math lines up, but math lines up for warp travel, teleporting, and worm holes as well. None of those are considered to be nobel prize worthy subjects, why was hawking radiation so happily accepted when it's contradictory. ... 1
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    @unprankable6666 months ago This makes sense. Particle-antiparticle pairs being entangled makes a lot of sense. One falls in, and makes the black hole smaller, the other flies away and is detected as light. I never thought of this, that is really interesting. ...
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    @JustAPersonWhoCommentslast year Imagine trying to explain to your boss that the reason the lab disappeared is because you accidentally created a black hole in the break room microwave 10
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    @jroameverywhere2 months ago Damn bro wtf... Myke you gave me so much music and new artists to listen to. Appreciate it, man.
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    @cernstormrunner72632 months ago Thing that gets me about quantum entanglement is, since all matter in the universe was originally a singularity until the big bang, shouldn't everything be entangled?
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    @HeisenbergWhite20139 months ago "It started growing"
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    @lurdslurvpno6790last year Maybe if we figure out how to make physics work in the black hole, we can uncover many hidden discoveries of the multiverse. 12
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    @lewi3xclusive954 months ago Imagine entangling to the extent that you can agitate sensors and send a VR controlled robot around a black hole and then have it come back giving the time stretch you think you could you have a tether to a different time line? ...
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    @user-tq3cn9ct2elast month Me: now make a blackhole singularity- ÆÆÆÆĀÅÂÆ-
    connection terminated.
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    @theofficialaxo9 months ago “Quantum Experiments like these can shit light” 💀 8
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    @HomoSnow9 months ago They didn’t make a black hole, they made a simulation on a super computer. 4
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    @marlonmendes14854 months ago Scientist : ooops!!
    Black hole: gulp
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    @leo371944 months ago to be more precise, they posted a version of the firefly v2 with jimping a few hours after the first post and then they added the side millimg about a month later ...
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    @agnostos7845last year People - black hole
    Me - iPhone wallpaper that I saw on tv 😅
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    @itztheartz3 months ago This is feeling like the start of a sci fi thriller movie 💀
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    @sonofchewy50344 months ago Bro why don’t they take videos when they make a black whole. Like seriously, I wanna see it too! 1
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    @toolegittoquit789last year Jada Pinkett Smith has entered the chat 78
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    @idforchrome9028last year That "entanglement" takes me to a different place. 4
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    @gary2kr16 months ago That whole quantum entanglement blows my mind. Especially over great distances and certainly from either side of an event horizon. 🤯
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    @SuperMaverick4u2 weeks ago Once the experiment went wrong. "Houston we have to leave Earth"
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    @dextercochran4916last year Imagine changing the state of an entangled particle at nearly the speed of light, and using that particle's twin to type out a binary message to someone instantaneously on the other side of the galaxy. 25
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    @matasurmanavicius2998last year "The test isn't that difficult, stop complaining"
    The test:
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    @averydizzle2 months ago They noticed this very particular thing about hawking radiation, but since hawking radiation can’t be detected… 🤦‍♂️
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    @DerekWarzynski-zy7dv5 months ago The universe has a life of it's own 1
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    @warpdrivebylast year Quantum tunneling is also at work, or at least our current models suggest it is. Not being able to get ANY information from inside an event horizon is so colossally frustrating, right! I mean we can take a picture of a black hole's accretion disk and outflow jets from millions of light years away, but not a single photon once it crosses the boundary. The answer of how to unify or describe physics under those conditions would reveal the answers to our most frustrating physics dilemmas, and would almost certainly raise questions we don't even know to ask today!😢 ... 5
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    @soham6427last year Such a shame that we'll never probably find out whats inside a black hole...like I understand there's "nothing" but I always wonder what the word "nothing" truly means 16
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    @engi11165 months ago Simulated black hole: “starts to create a jet*
    Scientists: Oh s**t